The event will explore both damaged and restored Imari ware from Loosdorf Castle in Austria (Public Domain)
Sep 18th
Nov 23rd
The event will explore both damaged and restored Imari ware from Loosdorf Castle in Austria (Public Domain)

The Tragedy of Loosdorf Castle Exhibition 2021

The Destruction and Rebirth of Exported Imari Ware

장소: Hagi Uragami Museum 언제: Sep 18th - Nov 23rd 2021

Loosdorf Castle is located close to Vienna in Austria, and it was once home to a large collection of Imari ware ceramics. Unfortunately, after the events of World War II many pieces from the castle's ceramics collection were completely destroyed. A special event at Yamaguchi's Hagi Uragami Museum looks at these broken yet beautiful ceramic pieces, as well as items which have been faithfully restored thanks to Japanese technology.

Adult admission to the event is priced at 1500 yen, and no advance reservations are required.

거기에 도착하기

The Hagi Uragami Museum is located around 7 minutes by taxi from the JR Higashi-Hagi Station, which is served by the San'in Main Line. Buses are also available from Hagi Station - take the Maaru bus for about 30 minutes.

For those who opt to drive to the museum, it can be reached in under 10 minutes from the Hagi IC on the San'in Expressway. On-site parking is available for up to 50 vehicles.

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