Mar 6th
Mar 15th
Free sake tasting event for foreigners (저작권: Yummy Sake)

Free Sake Tasting in English 2021

Great opportunity to try Japanese sake

언제: Mar 6th - Mar 15th 2021
While this event is confirmed, coronavirus measures may result in sudden cancellation, postponement or changes to the event format (eg online only). While we do our best to keep our listings updated, please check the official event website for the latest info.

This blind tasting experience helps you choose the sake that is right for you. You will be tasting 10 different Japanese sake and then rate each one using a smartphone app . The app will recommend the best sake for you based on your previous sake taste ratings. Make sure to bring your passport or residence card in order to join the event for FREE. At the end of the experience, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire.

The event will be held in two places, Shibuya and Nakameguro. Dates and times for the event are as follows:

Shibuya Mirai Sake Store

Date: March 6 to 15

Time: Weekday: 2:00pm to 6:00pm Weekend: 11:30am to 3:00pm

The Hangar Sake Bar and Gallery

March 13 and 14 only

Time: 12:00pm to 8:00pm

To get a ticket for the event, go here and select the date and time slot. The official website can be found here.

거기에 도착하기

To go to Shibuya Mirai Sake Store, get off at Shibuya station and walk for 5 minutes. Click on this link for the map on Google.

To go to The Hangar Sake Bar and Gallery, get off at Naka-Meguro station and walk for 5 minutes. Click on this link for the map on Google.

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