Dec 23rd
Mar 31st
저작권: Tokyo Skytree

Evangelion in Tokyo Skytree 2020-2021

A special event to mark the release of Evangelion: 3.0+1.0

장소: Tokyo Skytree 언제: Dec 23rd - Mar 31st 2021

A special event scheduled at Tokyo Skytree plans to celebrate the January 23rd 2021 release of Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0: Thrice Upon a Time. The event will include various components, including an Evangelion-themed exhibition at the Tembo Galleria top deck, themed eats at the on-site café, and more.

For those who want a souvenir from the event, there will also be a range of limited-edition Evangelion goods for sale.

Admission to the event is free, but still requires access to the Tembo Galleria deck. Ticket prices vary on weekdays and weekends.

거기에 도착하기

Tokyo Skytree can be conveniently accessed from either the Tokyo Skytree Station on the Tobu Skytree Line (2 minutes away on foot), or Oshiage Station on the Hanzomon Line (6 minutes away on foot).

There is also the Skytree Loop Bus which has several pickup points in Tokyo - details about the bus service can be found here.

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