The streets are filled during festival time (저작권: Pocsywe / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Azabu-Juban Noryo Matsuri 2024

Live music and international food along Tokyo's trendiest street

장소: Azabu-Juban Shotengai 언제: Late Aug 2024

Azabu-Juban will be holding its annual Noryo Matsuri, a summer festival held towards the end of August.

Having been held in Azabu-Juban since the mid-1960s, the two-day festival is the big event of the local calendar. Over three hundred thousand visitors are expected to filter through the shopping streets creating an incredible evening buzz. And while all of these people are enjoying the summer evening dancers, performances and live music, it is the food that the festival has become famous for.

An internationally flavoured local affair, the food on offer reflects the area's cosmopolitan tastes. Along with the world, though, you'll find hundreds of yatai street stalls offering fare not only from the local community but from all over Japan.

The festival is a family friendly one with plenty of craft and game stalls available for the children. And with the atmosphere being decidedly today, the Azabu-Juban Noryo Matsuri may be just the place to experience the local flavour of an internationally modern Japan.

거기에 도착하기

Take the Toei Oedo Line or the Namboku Subway Line to Azabu Juban Station and head out Exit 4.

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