The event will showcase works from artists who lived along the Den-en-toshi and Setagaya lines (저작권: Ogiyoshisan/ CC By SA 3.0)
Dec 19th
Mar 28th
The event will showcase works from artists who lived along the Den-en-toshi and Setagaya lines (저작권: Ogiyoshisan/ CC By SA 3.0)

Artists Along the Railway Lines 2020-2021

Den-en-toshi Line and Setagaya Line

장소: Setagaya Art Museum 언제: Dec 19th - Mar 28th 2021

A special exhibition taking place at the Setagaya Art Museum looks at artists who worked in neighborhoods served by the Den-en-toshi Line and Setagaya Line, including the likes of Sangenjaya and Sakura-shinmachi.

Some of the works on display at the event include pieces from Japanese-style painter Hirafuku Hyakusui, photographer Kineo Kuwabara, and Western-style painters Junkichi Mukai and Kotaro Midorikawa. The exhibition allows visitors to follow in the footsteps of the artist's creations, and appreciate various stories intertwined with the railway lines.

Adult admission to the event is priced at 200 yen.

거기에 도착하기

The Setagaya Art Museum is located around 15 minutes on foot from Yoga Station on the Tōkyū Den-en-toshi Line.

There is also a bus available from Yoga Station to the museum. Take the Setagaya Bijutsukan bus until you reach the "Bijutsukan" stop.

For those planning to drive to the museum, there are several lots (including a free option) in easy walking distance. Directions to the free lot can be found via the museum's website.

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