Dec 20th
May 31st

Salvador Dali - Endless Enigma 2023-2024

An experiential art event at the Kadokawa Musashino Museum

장소: Kadokawa Musashino Museum 언제: Dec 20th - May 31st 2024

Salvador Dali's influence on the art world is profound thanks to his role as a pioneer of the Surrealism genre. Fans of his work can head to Saitama's Kadokawa Musashino Museum from late December until the end of May 2024 to enjoy an immersive journey through some of his most beloved creations.

The hands-on digital art exhibition is set to feature many internationally known masterpieces such as The Persistence of Memory (1931), The Temptation of Saint Anthony (1946), and Leda Atomica (1949) through projection mapping set to music.

Adult admission to the event is priced at 2500 JPY, and tickets can be arranged ahead of time online here.

거기에 도착하기

The Kadokawa Musashino Museum is located a 10-minute walk from Higashi Tokorozawa Station on the JR Musashino Line.

For those who opt to drive, the museum is around 8 minutes from the Tokorozawa Interchange on the Kan-etsu Expressway. Various paid parking lots are available, and more information can be found on the museum's official website.

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