Itasha Heaven Expo 2024

Exploring the world of itasha cars in Osaka

장소: Expo '70 Commemorative Park 언제: Late Sep 2024

If you're a car aficionado, you may already be familiar with the term itasha cars – they're vehicles decorated with colorful and elaborate decals or artwork, and commonly feature characters from anime, manga, video games, or other pop culture sources. The Itasha Heaven Expo celebrates this significant part of Japanese car culture, and will include around 400 vehicles on display.

The event takes place at Osaka's Expo '70 Commemorative Park, and many people come in cosplay attire trying to find their favorite characters in itasha form for fun photo opportunities.

저작권: Itasha Heaven Project

Adult admission to the event is priced at ¥1000, with junior high school-aged students and below receiving free entry. If you are planning to come in cosplay, there is an additional ¥500 participation fee.

거기에 도착하기

Expo '70 Commemorative Park's Festival Square can be accessed via Bampakukinenkoen Station or Koen Higashiguchi Station.

For those who opt to drive, there are several on-site parking lots.

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