Shinshu Azumino Half Marathon 2024

An exhilarating run with the Japan Alps as a backdrop

장소: Toyoshina Nanbu General Park 언제: Sunday - Jun 2nd 2024

Nagano's Azumino City is located at the foot of the Japan Alps, and it's an area where nature, culture, and industry intertwine. The city plays host to the annual Shinshu Azumino Half Marathon which is now in its 10th year, and it's an event that showcases the area's beautiful surroundings for participants as they make their way around the course.

The participation fee for the half-marathon event is 7000 JPY, and runners are required to be at least 18 years of age to enter. If a half-marathon sounds a little too daunting, there is also a family run event (2 kilometers in length) with a 3500 JPY participation fee.

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The event starting point is at Toyoshina Nanbu General Park, which can be accessed in five minutes by taxi (or 20 minutes on foot) from Nakagaya Station on the JR Oito Line.

For those who opt to drive, on-site parking is available but may fill quickly.

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