Shishi Odori at Kurihara City 2024

A day when culture came alive

장소: Sannoshiseki Park 언제: Mid Jun 2024

With the backdrop of Kurihara City's Sanno Historic Park with its famous iris garden, wit living history through the Michinoku Shishi Odori (Deer Dance). Besides being a popular folk performing art in the Tohoku region, it is also a group dance competition.

A Shishi Odori group comprises of 8 dancers and a leader, all of whom hold drums at the waist. Each costume weighs a hefty 15-20 kg. The deer masks called "shishi-gashira" are said to represent a mythical creature which is the messenger of the gods. The performers also have 2 long "Sasara" sticks on their backs, and a cloth draped around their bodies.

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