May 18th
May 19th
The event lineup has a range of DJs and musicians (저작권: Star Festival - Used with Permission)

The Star Festival 2024

A two-day music event in Kyoto

장소: Kyoto Prefectural Forest Hiyoshi 언제: May 18th - May 19th 2024

Running since 2012, the Star Festival is a two-day music event. This year's event features a range of acclaimed DJs and musicians, including DJ Krush, Aoki Takamasa, and Kyoto's own Fumiya Tanaka to name a few. The event allows attendees to camp at the grounds while enjoying the line up of talented artists.

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The Star Festival takes place at Kyoto's Stihl no Mori park grounds.

A shuttle bus has been organized from the JR Sonobe Station to the venue - the one-way fare is 500 yen and the ride takes around 20 minutes. Alternatively, taxis are available from the station and the approximate one-way fare is around 4000 yen.

For those who plan to drive to the venue, you'll need a parking ticket in advance. Details can be found on the official event website.

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