저작권: Yokohama City
Nov 18th
Dec 26th
저작권: Yokohama City

Yokohama Cross Night Illumination 2021

A dynamic illumination event around Yokohama Port

장소: Yokohama Port and surrounds 언제: Nov 18th - Dec 26th 2021

From November 18th (Thursday) until December 26th (Sunday), the Yokohama Cross Night Illumination event will light up the city at several venues around the Yokohama Port area.

The event has a number of components, including an illumination "night walk" at Shinko Central Square, dynamic light and sound illuminations across the city, 12 light portal illuminations that make different sounds as visitors walk through them, and an art cruise which uses projection mapping technology to illuminate the waters of the Ōoka River and Nakamura River where the cruise takes place.

These unique light portals make different sounds as visitors walk through them
These unique light portals make different sounds as visitors walk through them (저작권: Yokohama City)

More information about the event can be found on the official website here.

거기에 도착하기

The Yokohama Cross Night Illumination takes place at Shinko Central Square, Yokohama Port, and the Osanbashi International Passenger Ship Terminal. All three locations can be conveniently accessed on foot from Nihon-Odori Station, which is served by the Minatomirai Line.

For those who opt to drive to the area, there are various paid parking lots in the surrounding streets.

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