저작권: Andy Hay / Unsplash
저작권: Andy Hay / Unsplash

Samukawa Curry Festival 2025

Curries from all corners of the globe in Kanagawa

Samukawa Central Park
Late Feb 2025

Curries are hugely popular in many places around the globe thanks to their rich, diverse flavors and versatility. The first-ever Samukawa Curry Festival is set to celebrate not just Japanese curry, but various curry types from other parts of the world including Thailand, Indonesia, and India.

Close to 20 different vendors will be present at the event, serving up everything from Massaman and Keema curry to Indonesian coconut curry and even the Japanese on-the-go favorite of kare pan (curry bread).

There is no admission fee to attend, but bring yen if you'll be doing some food sampling.

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The event takes place at Samukawa Central Park which is located around 15 minutes on foot from Samukawa Station.

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