Late Nov
Late Dec

Miyagase Christmas 2024

A giant decorated fir tree and other Christmas fun

장소: Lake Miyagasa area, Kanagawa 언제: Late Nov - Late Dec 2024

Now in its 37th year, the annual Miyagase Christmas event comes filled with plenty of seasonal color. The centerpiece of the event is a massive native fir tree at the Miyagase Lakeside Park, which towers over 30 meters in height and is decorated with approximately 10,000 sparkling lights.

저작권: Miyagase Mizunosato Event Executive Committee

Each Saturday during the event there will also be fireworks shows running for about 5 minutes, which start from 6 pm.

Admission to the event is free of charge.

거기에 도착하기

The Lake Miyagase area is around 20 minutes from the Sagamihara IC on the Ken-O Expressway, or around 40 minutes from the Sagamiko IC on the Chuo Expressway. On-site parking is available for over 300 vehicles.

For those visiting via public transport, buses are available from the Odakyu Hon-Atsugi Station's South Exit. Take the Kanagawa Chuo Kotsu Bus bound for Miyagase, and the travel time to the venue is about an hour.

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