저작권: Nomi City Hall

Kutani Chawan Festival 2024

Explore Kutani tea ware at this longstanding event

장소: Neagari Community Hall 언제: May 3rd - May 5th 2024

With a history dating back to the early Edo period, Kutani ware is a traditional type of Japanese porcelain which originates from what is modern-day Kaga, Ishikawa Prefecture. A short drive away in Nomi City, an annual Kutani Chawan (tea bowl) festival takes place for three days during Golden Week, and it has been running for over a century.

The event is scheduled at several different venues (the full list can be found at the bottom of the official site), and each location will have a variety of Kutani ware pieces available to purchase from different artisans.

저작권: Nomi City Hall

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The event takes place at several destinations in Nomi City, including the Neagari Community Hall. The hall is located just over 10 minutes on foot from Nomineagari Station on the Hokuriku Main Line.

The area's public bus will be free during the event dates, and will run from Nomineagari Station to the event venues.

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