저작권: Timothy Eberly / Unsplash
저작권: Timothy Eberly / Unsplash

Naka Sunflower Festival 2024

Over a quarter of a million sunflowers in Ibaraki

장소: Naka Comprehensive Park 언제: Late Aug 2024

There are numerous destinations to enjoy cheerful sunflowers across Japan during the warmer months, and if you're in Ibaraki Prefecture a great event to check out is the Naka Sunflower Festival. Held at the Naka Comprehensive Park, the festival includes over a quarter of a million sunflowers filling a four hectare space.

Along with the bounty of beautiful blooms to enjoy, the annual event also includes a variety of fun stage events, food booths, and a fireworks display to end the evening.

Admission to the event itself is free of charge, but do bring yen if you plan on purchasing food or drinks.

거기에 도착하기

Naka Comprehensive Park (also known as the Naka Lucky FM Park in Google Maps) can be accessed in under 10 minutes by taxi from Hitachi-Konosu Station, which is served by the JR Suigun Line.

For those who opt to drive, on-site parking is available for over 300 vehicles.

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