Last year was the 65th anniversary of Miffy's creation (저작권: Alex Hoekerd / Public Domain)
May 22nd
Jul 4th
Last year was the 65th anniversary of Miffy's creation (저작권: Alex Hoekerd / Public Domain)

Miffy 65th Anniversary Exhibition 2021

A limited-time event at the Aomori Museum of Art

May 22nd - Jul 4th 2021


Closed the 2nd and 4th Mondays monthly.

Latest on Aomori Museum of Art

Miffy, the iconic rabbit character created by Dutch artist Dick Bruna, celebrated its 65th anniversary last year. A special exhibition at the Aomori Museum of Art will explore all things Miffy, with around 300 original drawings, sketches, and creative memos on display.

For those wanting to pick up a souvenir from their visit, there will also be a wide variety of event-exclusive merchandise available to purchase, including stuffed toys and figurines.

Adult admission to the event is priced at 1300 yen.

거기에 도착하기

The Aomori Museum of Art is located apporximately 10 minutes by car from the JR Shin-Aomori station, or around 20 minutes by car from the JR Aomori station. Buses are also available from Aomori Station - take the bus bound for Sannai Murayama Iseki, and alight at the Kenritsu-bijutsukan-mae stop. The bus journey takes around 20 minutes.

For those who opt to drive directly to the venue, it's located around 5 minutes from the Aomori IC on the Tohoku Expressway.

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