The exhibition will take place at the Nagoya City Museum of Art (저작권: Asturio Cantabrio/CC By SA 4.0)
Feb 6th
Mar 28th
The exhibition will take place at the Nagoya City Museum of Art (저작권: Asturio Cantabrio/CC By SA 4.0)

The Movement of Modern Photography in Nagoya 2021

A special exhibition at the Nagoya City Museum of Art

장소: Nagoya City Museum of Art 언제: Feb 6th - Mar 28th 2021

A special exhibition taking place at the Nagoya City Museum of Art will look at Nagoya's history of modern photography from 1911 until 1972. There will be a specific focus on how photography was shaped by the Aitomo Photo Club who drove Japanese pictorialism (painting-oriented photography) in the 1920s, the rise of photography magazines in the 1930s, and even the influence of student photography clubs at local universities.

Adult admission to the event is priced at 1200 yen.

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The Nagoya City Museum of Art is located around eight minutes on foot from either Fushimi Station (Nagoya Subway's Higashiyama Line and Tsurumai Line) or Osu Kannon Station (Nagoya Subway's Tsurumai Line).

For those planning to drive to the museum, do note that there's no dedicated on-site parking lot. Patrons are advised to park at the nearby Shirakawa Park lot, which is charged at a cost of 180 yen per 30 minute increment.

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