저작권: Aichi Prefecture
Mid Feb
Mid Mar
저작권: Aichi Prefecture

Souri Pond Plum Festival 2025

Seasonal beauty at this yearly event

장소: Souri Pond, Aichi 언제: Mid Feb - Mid Mar 2025

Each year, Aichi's Souri Pond hosts a plum blossom festival to celebrate the impressive 6000 plum trees in 25 different varieties found on the grounds here. They have been planted in such a way that there are early, mid, and late-blooming types, allowing visitors to enjoy their beauty for a longer timeframe.

The plum trees are illuminated after dark on certain dates during the event
The plum trees are illuminated after dark on certain dates during the event (저작권: Aichi Prefecture)

Admission to the event is free of charge.

거기에 도착하기

Souri Pond is located approximately 10 minutes by taxi from Nagaura Station, which is served by the Meitetsu Tokoname Line.

For those who opt to drive, the venue is around 30 minutes from the central Nagoya area, and on-site parking is available.

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