Amidaji Temple Hydrangea Festival 2024

Enjoy 4,000 colorful hydrangeas in around 80 varieties

장소: Todaiji Betsuin Amidaji Temple 언제: Jun 1st - Jun 30th 2024

Hydrangeas are a highlight of the rainy season in Japan, and the warm, humid conditions are just right for the flowers to thrive. You can enjoy them at various locations across the country, including the Todaiji Betsuin Amidaji Temple in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Around 4000 of the flowers in 80 species adorn the temple grounds, and when they're at their best an annual festival takes place.

While admission to the temple is normally free, there is a small fee of 200 yen for adults during the hydrangea blooming season. Visitors who are junior high school aged and below receive free admission.

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The temple can be accessed in approximately 15 minutes by taxi or 20 minutes by bus from JR Hofu Station.

Alternatively, for those who opt to drive, the temple is around 15 minutes from Hofu Higashi IC, or around 20 minutes from the Hofu West IC on the Sanyo Expressway.

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