Sep 30th
Oct 3rd

Tokyo Skytree Town Bread Festival 2021

Tasty treats from over 20 bakeries in the one spot

장소: Tokyo Skytree Town 4th Floor Sky Arena 언제: Sep 30th - Oct 3rd 2021

Carb lover? From September 30th until October 3rd, Tokyo SkyTree Town will host Bread Festival 2021, an event where over 20 bakeries from different corners of the country will converge in the one spot.

Some of the businesses taking part in the festival include Chiba's Little by Little Bakery, Tochigi's Penny Lane Bakery, and Nagasaki's Pan Plus Bakery — and that's just scratching the surface. The full list of bakeries participating can be found on the official event website, and it's worth noting that some of them are only taking part for two or three days of the four-day event. Be sure to double check the dates if there's a certain bakery you want items from!

거기에 도착하기

Tokyo Skytree Town is located around 4 minutes on foot from Tokyo Skytree Station (Tobu Skytree Line), or around 2 minutes on foot from Oshiage Station (Keisei Oshiage Line, Tobu Skytree Line, Toei Asakusa Line, and Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line).

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