저작권: TeamLab PR
Jul 30th
Jan 9th
저작권: TeamLab PR

The Universe and Art Exhibition 2016-2017

Princess Kaguya, Leonardo da Vinci, teamLab

Jul 30th 2016 - Jan 9th 2017

Astronomy manuscripts penned by Leonardo da Vinci and the latest, immersive installation by teamLab that lets you experience the cosmos first hand – this is the Universe and Art exhibition at Mori Art Museum.

The exhibition will offer a diverse selection of items from across the globe and down the centuries, in multiple genres, from meteorites and fossils to historic astronomical material by Da Vinci and Galileo; mandalas; Taketori Monogatari (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter) which we may call Japan's oldest sci-fi novel; installations by contemporary artists, and the latest from the frontline of space development.

The exhibition comprises four sections: “How Have Humans through the Ages Viewed the Universe?” “The Universe as Space-Time” “A New View of Life - Do Aliens Exist?” and “Space Travel and the Future of Humanity,” the exhibition will offer novel, future-oriented views of the cosmos and mankind.

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