The event will explore a variety of sweet and savory Taiwanese dishes (저작권: PR Times)
Jul 1st
Aug 31st
The event will explore a variety of sweet and savory Taiwanese dishes (저작권: PR Times)

Taiwan Afternoon Tea 2021

A taste of Taiwan at the Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo

장소: Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo 언제: Jul 1st - Aug 31st 2021

In the current climate where international travel is difficult, the Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo has been hosting a themed afternoon tea event every two months which focuses on a different region of the world. During July and August the event will explore Taiwanese cuisine, with favorites like pineapple cake, Taiwanese castella, savory dumplings, and rice noodles with crab as just some of the dishes on offer.

The afternoon tea is priced at ¥ 5,000 per head (inclusive of tax), and reservations can be made by visiting the official hotel website here.

거기에 도착하기

The Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo is located approximately 7 minutes on foot from Exit 3 A of Waseda Station, which is served by the Tozai Subway Line.

For those who opt to drive, on-site parking is available and is validated for those who dine at the hotel. Spending over 3,000 yen will get you four hours parking for free.

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