Nov 25th
Feb 23rd

Sleeping: Life with Art 2020-2021

From Goya and Rubens to Shiota Chiharu

Nov 25th - Feb 23rd 2021


The museum now offers free admission once a year on May 18 (International Museum Day).

Latest on National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

A special exhibition taking place at Tokyo's National Museum of Modern Art is titled "Sleeping: Life with Art", and it focuses on the artistic expression of sleep using different genres and mediums. Around 120 works will be on display at the event, which include paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, 3D sculptures, and images. These include Francisco Goya's "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters" (1799), images from Asako Narahashi's "Half awake and half asleep in the water" series (2004), and Rei Naito's "Pillow for the Dead" (1997) to name just a few.

Adult admission to the event is priced at 1200 yen.

거기에 도착하기

Tokyo's National Museum of Modern Art is located a 3 minute walk from Exit 1B of Takebashi station, served by the Tozai Subway Line.

For those who plan to drive to the venue, do note that the museum does not have a dedicated parking facility. Patrons are advised to park at the nearby Kitanomatu-Koen or Palace Side Building paid parking lots, which are around five minutes away on foot.

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