The beautifully rustic Okutama Station sign (저작권: ume-y / CC BY 2.0)

Okutama Noryo Fireworks Festival 2024

A blast of colour in the mountains of Tokyo

장소: Mt Atago 언제: Mid Aug 2024

Unlike the fireworks shows of central Tokyo and their urban nightscapes, the Okutama Noryo Fireworks Festival captivates spectators with its simplicity and mountainous charm. While officially still a part of Tokyo, the rural atmosphere of Okutama offers a more traditionally memorable fireworks experience.

The 1,000 fireworks, released from the summit of Mt. Atago, have no city lights to compete with as the mountain skies offer the perfect backdrop to the show. The fireworks makes for a satisfying finish to a summer's day exploring the local area.

The fireworks are visible for free from almost anywhere around Okutama Station. However, seating for up to 4 people per tarpaulin space is available on the grounds of Hikawa Elementary School for ¥1,000. Please check the official website for more details.

거기에 도착하기

From Shinjuku, take the JR Chuo Line to Tachikawa Station and change there for the JR Ome Line until you reach Okutama Station.

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