Sep 5th
Sep 11th

Kaseki Cider Exhibition 2021

A limited-time event at Shibuya's Elephant Gallery

장소: Elephant Studios (ES) Gallery, Shibuya 언제: Sep 5th - Sep 11th 2021

From September 5th until September 11th, Shibuya's Elephant Studios (ES) Gallery will be hosting an exhibition of works from artist, lyricist, and musician Kaseki Cider. Titled "Fossil Pop!", the works on display are inspired by pop art and depict a variety of historical figures, one of which is a caricature of Johannes Vermeer's famous "Girl with a Pearl Earring" painting.

A number of the works on display at the event will also be available for purchase if you're looking for a unique piece of wall art for your home.

Admission to the exhibition is priced at 500 yen, and advance reservations are required. These can be organized via the official event website here.

거기에 도착하기

Shibuya's Elephant Studios (ES) Gallery is located just under 10 minutes on foot from Shibuya Station, or approximately 7 minutes from Omotesando Station.

As parking in the area is limited and expensive, using public transport wherever possible is advised.

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