This afternoon tea event focuses on Japanese flavors (저작권: PR Times)
Jun 21st
Aug 31st
This afternoon tea event focuses on Japanese flavors (저작권: PR Times)

Japanese Afternoon Tea 2021

A limited-time event at The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho

장소: The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho 언제: Jun 21st - Aug 31st 2021

Many afternoon tea events across Japan have a menu that leans towards Western cuisine, but if you're after a more Japanese inspired offering The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho has got you covered. From June 21st until August 31st they are hosting a Japanese Afternoon Tea, which has a variety of tasty dishes to enjoy.

There will be savory menu items like vegetable inari zushi and wagyu sushi, and sweets such as chocolate yokan (a Japanese confection made from red bean paste, agar, and sugar) and mitarashi dango (rice dumplings coated in a sweet soy sauce glaze).

The price per head for the afternoon tea is ¥ 6,500.

거기에 도착하기

The Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho is located just a minute on foot from Akasaka Mitsuke Station, which is served by the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line or Marunouchi Line (via the Akasaka underground walkway D towards Kioicho). Alternatively, the venue is directly linked to Nagatacho Station on the Tokyo Metro Nanboku Line - take exit 9A.

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