Asakusa Awa Odori 2024

A summer dance festival in Tokyo

장소: Asakusa Yokocho & Asakusa Rokku Broadway 언제: Early Jul 2024

The Awa Odori is a vibrant and energetic traditional dance festival held annually in Japan, with the largest and best known of them taking place in Tokushima Prefecture on the island of Shikoku. If you're not in that area, though, Tokyo's Asakusa Awa Odori is a great option to check out.

Back in action after a 14 year hiatus (!), the event is set to include 10 groups of Awa Odori dancers including the local Asakusa Thunder Ren team. Between the dance performances, traditional costumes, and electric atmosphere, this is a festival worth attending if you're in the Tokyo area in early July.

For more to see and do in the Asakusa area be sure to explore our website.

거기에 도착하기

The event takes place around Asakusa Rokku Broadway and Asakusa Yokocho. The area can be best accessed from Asakusa Station, which is served by the Tobu Skytree Line, the Toei Asakusa Line, and the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line.

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