Otawara Yatai Matsuri 2025

Fun celebration in April in Tochigi prefecture

Late Apr 2025
공지: 이벤트의 날짜는 아직 확정되지 않았습니다. 이벤트 공식 날짜가 발표되면 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 공식 이벤트 사이트에서 최신 정보를 확인하십시오.

April is time for the Yatai Matsuri in Otawara, Tochigi prefecture. It’s a loud, fun, musical(ish) 2 day event downtown, near the Kanodoro lantern… The festival involves wooden floats called Yatai. These traditional small, mobile food stalls in Japan typically sell ramen or other food. The name literally means "shop stand."

The floats are beautifully decorated with carvings of animals, dragons, monkeys, with lots of different lanterns that light up at night. Some floats are plain (but beautiful) wood, some are lacquered, some painted. They are all very different and each one comes from a region around Otawara…

Event reports

Otawara Sakura Buttsuke 8

Otawara Sakura Buttsuke

Otawara Sakura Buttsuke, held each year, commemorates the joining of the 9 cities, villages, and towns that now make up Otawara..

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