Ninja Training Experience 2021

Practicing the art of stealth at Koma Jinja

언제: Sunday - Oct 3rd 2021

The Koma Shrine will host a "Ninja Training Experience" for kids led by Ikuhiko Aoyama, a multi-talented karateka, actor, sword fighter, and dancer. He will teach kids various popular ninja arts such as stealth techniques, throwing shuriken (hidden hand blade), and swordsmanship, all in the spirit of fun. There is a bit of comedy thrown into the mix, making it entertaining for the general audience. Together with other actors, he recreates the atmosphere of feudal Japan.

The event will be held twice on October 3, 2021 (Sunday) at 10:30 - 11:30 in the morning and at 13:00 - 14:00. Each slot can accommodate 15 people. Children below elementary school age need to be accompanied by their parents. To reserve a slot, call Koma Shrine at telephone number 042-989-1403 between 9:00 to 17:00 before October 1. If, by the time you call, all slots have been filled up, this event is still open for spectators and is fun to watch.

거기에 도착하기

Koma Shrine is approximately a 20 minute walk or a 5 minute taxi ride from Komagawa Station served by the JR Hachiko and Kawagoe Lines. Ample parking spots are available.

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