Light Up at Tove Jansson Park 2020

Illumination event at the Children's Forest park

언제: Dec 5th - Dec 6th 2020
Notice: While this event is confirmed, outdoor events can be subject to sudden cancellation or postponement due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. Our listings are only updated periodically, so please check the official site closer to any event if you wish to attend.

Tove Jansson Akebono Children's Forest park is magical all year round. But for select nights in Autumn and early winter, weather permitting, they add to the magic. The quirky buildings in the park are illuminated making them even more like something from a fairytale. On the nights that the illumination is on, the park stays open until 9 pm. The cafe on the grounds, "Cafe Puisto", stays open late too. They also schedule a star gazing night once a month that coincides with the light up.

This event is cancelled if it rains or if there are unfavorable weather conditions. During the period of Coronavirus, all visitors are requested to wear a mask and maintain a safe social distance from other visitors.

거기에 도착하기

The park is located south of Hanno City's gymnastic hall. The car park is shared with the sports hall. Parking is free. Unfortunately, as the park is incredibly popular these days, it can be quite hard to get a parking spot. But there is another public car park across the road at Asu Sports Park. That is also free.

By public transport the nearest station is Motokaji on the Seibu Ikebukuro line. It is about a 20 to 30 minute walk from the station to the park.

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