Hiroshi Yoshida Exhibition (Saitama) 2021

Commemorating the 70th anniversary of his passing

장소: Kawagoe City Museum 언제: Oct 23rd - Nov 28th 2021

A special event at the Kawagoe City Museum looks at the works of Yoshida Hiroshi (1876 - 1950), a renowned Fukuoka-born painter who also developed skill in woodblock prints later in his career. In his early days he enthusiastically studied Western-style painting, but managed to form his own unique style of expression. Some refer to his work as a fusion of Western realism and traditional Japanese print art.

The event commemorates 70 years since Yoshida's passing and will showcase works from every stage of his career, including his early prints and sketchbooks right through to his masterpieces.

거기에 도착하기

The Kawagoe City Museum is located approximately 10 minutes by bus from Kawagoe Station (Tōbu Tōjō Line and the Kawagoe Line). Several buses run past the area, and details can be found on the official museum website.

For those who opt to drive, there is a parking lot directly across from the museum which can accommodate up to 50 vehicles.

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