Nov 21st
Jan 17th

Animals in Abeno Harukas 2020-2021

Discovering the works of Atsuhiko Misawa

장소: Abeno Harukas 언제: Nov 21st - Jan 17th 2021

Kyoto-born Atsuhiko Misawa is one of Japan's most prominent contemporary wood carving artists, and one of his major works is the "Animals" series which he started back in 2000. The collection of life-sized animals has proven extremely popular with both the young and the young at heart, and they will be displayed at Osaka's Abeno Harukas Art Museum from November 21st through to January 17th 2021.

As the museum is located on the 16th floor of the Abeno Harukas building, it presents an opportunity to enjoy these wood carvings in unique surroundings. Adult admission to the event is 1400 yen.

거기에 도착하기

The Abeno Harukas Art Museum is located just a minute on foot from the Osaka Abenobashi Station, served by the Minami Osaka Line of the Kintetsu Railway, or two minutes on foot from Tennoji Station on the JR Osaka Loop Line.

As there is no on-site parking available, visitors to the museum are advised to use public transport where possible.

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