저작권: Krystina Rogers / Unsplash
Jan 18th
Mar 31st
저작권: Krystina Rogers / Unsplash

Tulip Fair at Okinawa Ocean Expo Park 2025

An early way to get your flower fix

Okinawa Ocean Expo Park
Jan 18th - Mar 31st 2025

In many parts of Japan, tulips bloom around the April to May timeframe. If you're visiting earlier than that and want to get your flower fix, there is a way – at the Tulip Fair at Okinawa Ocean Expo Park.

The milder climate in this part of the country sees tulips bloom during the January and February timeframe, and there are around 80,000 of them in approximately 50 varieties to enjoy at this event.

This is a paid event, with admission priced at 760 JPY for adults at the time of writing (counted as anyone high school aged and above), and free for those under high school age.

거기에 도착하기

The Okinawa Ocean Expo Park is located around two hours driving time from the Naha Airport area.

Buses are also available from the airport to the park area, but the travel time ends up being over three hours. Certain buses can also be infrequent, so visiting via private vehicle is advisable.

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