저작권: Shinkamigoto Town Tourism and Products Association
Feb 15th
저작권: Shinkamigoto Town Tourism and Products Association

Tsubaki Satoyama Festival 2025

Experience the beauty of camellias at this island locale

Shinkamigotocho Sekiyubichiku Memorial Hall
Saturday - Feb 15th 2025

Located in the northern part of the Goto Islands, Shinkamigoto Town in Nagasaki Prefecture is home to over 6.8 million tsubaki (camellia) trees, making it the largest camellia-growing area in Japan. During winter, the island is blanketed in vibrant crimson blooms, offering a stunning spectacle of natural beauty.

The camellias of Shinkamigoto have been a part of island life for over 1,000 years, with historical records linking them to Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty. The deep connection between the camellias and the island is reflected in local culture, with camellia motifs featured in the stained glass and decorations of many churches across the region.

The Tsubaki Satoyama Festival is a celebration of this rich camellia culture, and the event includes a variety of activities for visitors to enjoy. There will be an exhibition showcasing camellia bonsai, camellia-related photos, and tanka poems, a special lecture on "miniature camellia bonsai", and a selection of camellia-themed products for sale alongside local woodworking crafts, roasted sweet potatoes, and Goto udon. In addition, there will be free camellia seedling distribution if you live locally and want to try your hand at cultivating them at home.

There is no admission fee to enjoy the atmosphere of the event, but please bring yen if you plan on purchasing any goods.

거기에 도착하기

The Tsubaki Satoyama Festival takes place at the Shinkamigotocho Sekiyubichiku Memorial Hall, which is located approximately five minutes driving time from Aokata Port Terminal.

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