Early Aug
Early Oct
The naturally beautiful Kurohime Plateau (저작권: Hiroaki Kaneko/CC By SA 3.0)

Cosmos Season at the Kurohime Plateau 2025

Autumn's cherry blossoms in Nagano

Kurohime Plateau, Nagano
Early Aug - Early Oct 2025
Outdoor events can be subject to cancellation or postponement due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. Our listings are only updated periodically, so please check the official site closer to any event if you wish to attend.

There are plenty of places to enjoy cosmos flowers during the fall months in Japan, but if you're after a spot that has been named on of the country's best destinations for them, look no further than Nagano's Kurohime Plateau. The flowers have been grown at the foot of Mount Kurohime for almost the last 50 years, and the area is a popular picnic spot when the flowers are blooming. Visitors here also have the unique option to enjoy the flowers from above with a chairlift ride.

As is the case with all flower events, the dates can be subject to change from year to year depending on blooming conditions. Based on last year, tentatively plan for around the beginning of August through to the first week of October for your visit.

거기에 도착하기

The Kurohime Plateau is located around 5 kilometers (approximately 6 minutes driving time) from the Shinanomachi IC on the Joshinetsu Expressway.

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