Nov 12th
Jan 12th

Chuguji Temple National Treasure Exhibition 2020-2021

A special event at the Miyagi Museum of Art

장소: Miyagi Museum of Art 언제: Nov 12th - Jan 12th 2021

A special exhibition taking place at the Miyagi Museum of Art looks at the treasures of Nara's Chūgū-ji Temple. This will be the first time many of the temple's treasures have been exhibited in the Tohoku region, and with the event running through to early 2021, it marks 10 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Part of the intent behind this exhibition is to offer prayers for the continued reconstruction of disaster-stricken areas in this part of the country.

Among the pieces on display you'll find statues of Buddha, and fusuma (rectangular painted panels that can be used as doors).

Adult admission to the event is priced at 1500 yen.

거기에 도착하기

The Miyagi Museum of Art is located 7 minutes on foot from either the West 1 exit of the International Center Station, or from the North 1 exit of Kawauchi Station. Both stations are served by the Sendai Municipal Subway Tozai Line.

For those who plan to drive, take the Sendai Miyagi IC from the Tohoku Expressway. The museum is around 15 minutes drive from the exit. On-site parking is available for up to 100 vehicles.

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