Sep 9th
Sep 29th

Kanna Takase Exhibition 2021

A limited-time event at Kyoto Okazaki Tsutaya

장소: Kyoto Okazaki Tsutaya 언제: Sep 9th - Sep 29th 2021

From September 9th until September 29th, the Kyoto Okazaki Tsutaya store will be hosting an exhibition of works from artist Kanna Takase. Born in Osaka in 1994, Takase graduated from the Kyoto City University of Arts (Graduate School of Arts) with a degree in painting, and has taken part in various solo and group exhibitions since then.

Part of Takase's painting approach involves taking notes about things she experiences in everyday life, and then turning those words into paintings. This helps her create eclectic art that, perhaps ironically, she says "can't be explained by words".

For those who are interested, several of the works on display will be available for purchase either in-person at the event or online here.

Admission to the exhibition is free of charge.

거기에 도착하기

Kyoto Okazaki Tsutaya is located under 10 minutes on foot from Higashiyama Station, which is served by the Tozai Line.

As there is no parking lot on-site, patrons are advised to use public transport wherever possible.

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