저작권: Yokohama
저작권: Yokohama

Yokohama Flower & Garden Festival 2025

Japan's newest garden-based event

Pacifico Yokohama
Early May 2025

Taking place for the first time in 2024, the Yokohama Flower & Garden Festival runs for four days during the Golden Week holiday period and is set to become one of Japan's largest gardening events. The festival will feature a show garden exhibition designed by Yuko Kobayashi–one of Japan's leading garden designers–as well as experiential workshops that both adults and children alike can enjoy.

저작권: Yokohama

This is a paid admission event, with advance tickets slightly cheaper (1500 JPY) than on-the-day tickets (1800 JPY). Please note that admission is free for junior high school aged visitors and younger. Also, keep in mind that certain hands-on workshops come with additional charges, such as the flower and greenery potting experience which is priced between 700 and 1000 JPY.

Please visit the official website for more information.

거기에 도착하기

The event takes place at Pacifico Yokohama, which can be accessed in six minutes on foot from Minatomirai Station (Minatomirai Line).

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