Soleil Hill Nanohana Festival 2024-2025

Fields full of yellow in Kanagawa

Late Dec 2024 - Late Mar 2025

From mid December until late February, Yokosuka Soleil Hill will host their annual nanohana festival, dedicated to what some people may know as bright yellow rapeseed flowers. The nanohana plants here are cultivated in a way that makes them bloom sequentially over a period of approximately 100 days, giving visitors a substantial window to enjoy their colorful charm. On clear days, the venue even offers a view of Mount Fuji, adding to the beauty.

Along with the flowers to appreciate, the event will include dishes incorporating nanohana at the on-site Restaurant Provence, and experience-based classes such as making melon pan adorned with nanohana motifs.

Admission to the event is free of charge.

거기에 도착하기

Yokosuka Soleil Hill is located a short bus ride rom Misakiguchi Station, which is served by the Keikyu Kurihama Line. Take the Keihin Kyuko bus bound for Soleil Hill - the ride time is about 15 minutes.

Alternatively, for those who opt to drive, on-site parking is available for up to 1500 vehicles at a charge of 1000 yen.

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