Nov 1st
Feb 16th
This is an entirely citizen-funded illumination project (저작권: Live Fusion Holdings Co., Ltd.)

Ebina Illuminations 2024-2025

A citizen-funded illumination project by Ebina Station

Ebina Station
Nov 1st 2024 - Feb 16th 2025

There are numerous winter illumination events across Japan, and many of them are massive affairs with millions of lights and financial backing from municipal or prefectural governments. Others are smaller in size but equally as charming. A number of lights will surround Ebina Station's West Exit, with the pièce de résistance being a champagne gold heart-shaped illumination which is perfect for a romantic photo opportunity.

What makes this illumination extra special is that it's a citizen-funded project, without the help of any larger organization. The illuminations are scheduled to run from November 1st until February 16th, and if you feel led to donate to this community-based project their crowdfunding page is located here.

거기에 도착하기

Ebina Station is served by the Sagami Line, the Odakyu Odawara Line, and the Sotetsu Main Line.

For those who opt to drive, there are numerous paid lots in the surrounding area. The lot at Lalaport Ebina is particularly convenient, and the mall has direct access to the station via a pedestrian bridge.

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