Dogtooth violets at Katakuri no Sato (저작권: Roozitaa/CC By SA 3.0)
Mar 8th
Apr 20th
Dogtooth violets at Katakuri no Sato (저작권: Roozitaa/CC By SA 3.0)

Dogtooth Violets at Katakuri no Sato 2025

Enjoy these underrated flowers in Kanagawa

Shiroyama Katakuri no Sato, Kanagawa
Mar 8th - Apr 20th 2025

Japan has a myriad of springtime blooms to enjoy, from the iconic cherry blossoms through to azaleas, peonies, and tulips - and that's not even a comprehensive list. One highly underrated flower of the season is katakuri, or dogtooth violets, and a great place to enjoy them is at Kanagawa's Shiroyama Katakuri no Sato.

Each year from the second Saturday of March until the third Sunday in April, the garden opens for the public to enjoy these pretty purple flowers which grow in abundance here. It's closed to the public for the rest of the year (it's on privately owned property), so embrace the chance to visit while you can!

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For those visiting via public transport, head to the JR Hashimoto Station, served by the Yokohama Line, the Sagami Line, and the Keio Sagamihara Line. From there, take the Kanagawa bus bound for Mikage, get off at the stop for the Shiroyama General Office, and the venue is around 20 minutes on foot from there.

For those who opt to drive, Katakuri no Sato is around a 10 minute drive (4 kilometers) from the Ken-O Expressway's Sagamihara IC.

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