Jun 21st
Sep 26th

Toothtooth Beer Garden 2021

Enjoy a beer garden in an urban oasis this summer

장소: ToothTooth Restaurant, Kobe 언제: Jun 21st - Sep 26th 2021

From late June until late September, Kobe's Tooth Tooth restaurant is hosting a summertime beer garden event. Each sitting at the beer garden is for a 2 hour window, with an all you can drink system for 90 minutes of that timeframe.

The cost for the standard plan at the beer garden is 4500 yen per head (served with rotisserie chicken and a variety of side dishes), and the premium or anniversary plans are priced at 5000 yen per head (served with beef steak and the same side dishes). There are also less expensive options for those who would prefer not to drink alcoholic beverages. Reservations can be made in advance via the official website here.

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Kobe's Tooth Tooth Restaurant is located on the 11th floor of Kobe International House, which can be accessed in just six minutes on foot from Kobe Sannomiya Station (served by the Tokaido Main Line).

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