The first sunrise from Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens in a previous year (저작권: Kobe Resort Service Co., Ltd)
Jan 1st
The first sunrise from Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens in a previous year (저작권: Kobe Resort Service Co., Ltd)

Kobe Nunobiki Herb Garden Hatsuhinode 2022

Enjoy the first sunrise of the year

장소: Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens 언제: Saturday - Jan 1st 2022

Japan has a number of unique ways to celebrate the new year, and one of them is hatsuhinode, or watching the first sunrise. The Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens plan to open at 6 am on New Year's Day, allowing visitors to enjoy the sunrise from several great vantage points on the grounds. They recommend either the first or second floor terraces as prime sunrise viewing spots.

Something to keep in mind if you plan to visit is that the sunrise may not be visible if the weather conditions aren't clear – so factor that in and check the forecast. Sunrise in Kobe for January 1st is at 7.06 am.

거기에 도착하기

The Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens can be accessed via the Shin-Kobe Ropeway, located a short distance from Shin-Kobe Station.

For those who opt to drive, do note that there is no dedicated parking lot on-site. Visitors are advised to park at the ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Kobe or other parking lots in the surrounding area.

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