Sep 19th
Nov 15th

The World of Yamamoto Nizo 2020

Explore the masterpieces of this art director and background artist

장소: Onomichi Museum of Art 언제: Sep 19th - Nov 15th 2020

Yamamoto Nizo is known for his work as an art director and background artist on films like Hayao Miyazaki's "Castle in the Sky" (1986) and "Princess Mononoke" (1997) to name just a couple. A special exhibition taking place at the Onomichi Museum of Art delves into his work, with around 200 of his artworks being showcased - you'll find everything from background drawings to early stage sketches, and even image boards to appreciate.

Admission to the special exhibition is 800 yen for adults, 550 yen for high school students, and free for junior high aged students and younger.

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The Onomichi Museum of Art is located approximately 20 minutes drive from the Sanyo Expressway's Onomichi IC, 15 minutes from the Sanyo Expressway's Fukuyama Nishi IC, or 15 minutes by taxi from the JR Onomichi Station, served by the Sanyo Main Line.

Paid parking is available at the nearby Senkoji Parking Lot. If you bring your parking ticket, the museum staff can validate your parking so you receive 200 yen off the price.

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