Asama Kogen Rhododendron Festival 2024

150,000 flowers to enjoy in Gunma

장소: Asama Kogen Rhododendron Garden 언제: May 1st - May 19th 2024

Gunma's Asama Kogen is a picturesque highland region known for its stunning natural beauty and abundant hot springs. Nestled in the Japanese Alps, the region is a popular destination for outdoor activities, making it a perfect getaway for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.

If you do appreciate nature – and seasonal flowers in particular – it's worth checking out the Asama Kogen Rhododendron Festival. Held at the Asama Kogen Rhododendron Garden, the event includes an incredible 150,000 rhododendrons covering an area the size of 10 Tokyo Domes. Along with the bounty of blooms to enjoy, the festival will also include free guided garden walks and plant sales from local growers.

Adult admission to the event is priced at ¥300.

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For those who opt to drive to the garden, free on-site parking is available.

If you're planning to visit via public transport, please note that there is no bus service available to the garden. Most visitors take taxis from either Karuizawa Station, Ueda Station, or Manza-Kazawaguchi Station.

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