Mar 20th
May 23rd
An example of Morohoshi's illustration style (저작권: PR Times)

Daijiro Morohoshi Exhibition: Fukuoka 2021

A special event at the Kitakyushu Manga Museum

장소: Kitakyushu Manga Museum 언제: Mar 20th - May 23rd 2021

Daijiro Morohoshi (1946 -) is a Japanese manga artist who is well-known for science fiction themed comic strips and pieces based on folklore. A special event at the Kitakyushu Manga Museum commemorates 50 years since Morohoshi's manga debut, and looks at his wide-ranging body of work along with pieces that are said to have inspired his art.

Around 350 items in total will be on display at the event, including original drawings and other artworks and folk materials closely aligned with his manga style.

Adult admission to the event is priced at 1000 yen.

거기에 도착하기

The Kitakyushu Manga Museum is located under five minutes on foot from Kokura Station, which is served by the Kagoshima Main Line, the Nippō Main Line, the Sanyo Shinkansen line, and the Kitakyushu Monorail Kokura Line.

For those who opt to drive, the museum is part of the Aru Aru Mall which has on-site parking available.

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