저작권: Public Domain
Aug 1st
저작권: Public Domain

Drive-in Hanabi 2021

A socially-distanced summer fireworks event

장소: Kagoshima Port 언제: Sunday - Aug 1st 2021

Summers in Japan are typically filled with different hanabi (fireworks) events, but the COVID-19 pandemic has seen many of those cancelled due to fears about densely-packed crowds congregating. The Drive-in Hanabi event scheduled at Kumamoto Port on August 1st mitigates this, with attendees able to enjoy all the beauty of a fireworks and laser light show coordinated with music from their own vehicles.

Tickets are being sold from between 12,000 yen to 25,000 yen per vehicle depending on the parking section you opt for. This may initially sound quite expensive, but if you average out the cost between the passengers of a five seater vehicle, it's on-par with many other events. To reserve a ticket you need to call - unfortunately the website doesn't allow direct booking.

In the event of rain, the event will be postponed to either August 2nd or August 3rd at this stage.

거기에 도착하기

Kumamoto Port is located around 20 minutes drive from the Kumamoto Station area, or around an hour's drive from Kumamoto Airport.

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