Oct 31st
Dec 20th

Inheritance of Soil and Flame 2020

Views of Takahama

장소: Takahama City Yakimono no Sato Kawara Museum 언제: Oct 31st - Dec 20th 2020

Takahama City in Aichi Prefecture is a major center of production for Sanshu roof tiles - in fact, this region produces the highest volume of them in all of Japan. A special exhibition at the Takahama City Yakimono no Sato Kawara Museum looks into the role of soil and fire in the production of these tiles and other pottery pieces, with a range of both functional and aesthetically-inspired items on display.

Alongside the examples of tiles and other pottery pieces in the exhibition, there will be pottery and landscape photography from Koji Nakano to enjoy.

Adult admission to the event is 200 yen.

거기에 도착하기

The Takahama City Yakimono no Sato Kawara Museum is located a 10 minute walk from Takahama Port Station on the Meitetsu Mikawa Line.

Alternatively, for those who plan to drive, the museum is around 15 minutes drive from the Agui Interchange on the Chitahantō Toll Road. Free on-site parking is available for 100 vehicles.

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