Sunpu Castle Park, Shizuoka City

Take the air in this pleasant, spacious public park

Once the site of Tokugawa Ieyasu's castle, Sunpu Park in the heart of Shizuoka City is now a pleasant, expansive green space for residents and visitors to relax in. There are still some signs of its past - intact turrets and sections of the walls and moat, other remains, a statue of Ieyasu looking stern - and for we modern-day folk there are lawns to stroll around and walk your dogs on, slides and swings for kids to play on, a separate traditional garden to enjoy, and an odd colourful clock that chimes with the "Old Grandfather Clock" song. It's also the main venue for the annual Street Performance World Cup, a four-day festival of international performance. Open from very early to well after dark, it's a good place to walk around slowly, taking the air and getting a break from the downtown bustle.

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