사이코 호수는 후지 5대 호수 중에서 가장 작다. 가와구치 호수에서 짧은 거리에 위치한 이 산은 숲이 우거진 언덕들로 둘러싸여 있다. 하늘이 맑을 땐, 사이코 호와 어울러 후지산은 멋진 광경을 뽐내지만, 내가 갈 당시, 산은 여름 안개에 가려져 있었다. 하지만 후지산을 못 보더라도 이곳에 방문해야 할 타당한 이유는 있다... 여름에는 수영, 낚시, 보트타기에 좋은 장소이기 때문이다. 호수변에는 캠핑장도 있으니 여름에 여유롭게 캠핑을 즐기는 것도 추천한다!
사이코 호에서 여름을 즐겨보자!
후지 5대 호수 중 가장 작은 사이코 호
![Cathy Cawood Cathy Cawood](https://a1.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/u/1713/240x240!/61d020bdef751f611f5e3c02.jpg)
![Anonymous Anonymous](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/u/62409154/240x240!/profile.jpg)
Anonymous의 번역
![Small boats waiting on the shore ](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/22406-124092/1000/yamanashi-summer-fun-at-lake-saiko-124092.jpg)
Small boats waiting on the shore (저작권: Cathy Cawood)
![Blissed out on the beach](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/22406-124094/1000/yamanashi-summer-fun-at-lake-saiko-124094.jpg)
Blissed out on the beach (저작권: Cathy Cawood)
![Dogs wearing life jackets](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/22406-124095/1000/yamanashi-summer-fun-at-lake-saiko-124095.jpg)
Dogs wearing life jackets (저작권: Cathy Cawood)
![Kids learning to snorkel in the shallows](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/22406-124099/1000/yamanashi-summer-fun-at-lake-saiko-124099.jpg)
Kids learning to snorkel in the shallows (저작권: Cathy Cawood)
![People fishing under umbrellas at the edge of the lake](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/22406-124093/1000/yamanashi-summer-fun-at-lake-saiko-124093.jpg)
People fishing under umbrellas at the edge of the lake (저작권: Cathy Cawood)
![Kayaks waiting on the shore](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/22406-124096/1000/yamanashi-summer-fun-at-lake-saiko-124096.jpg)
Kayaks waiting on the shore (저작권: Cathy Cawood)
![Happy campers ](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/22406-124097/1000/yamanashi-summer-fun-at-lake-saiko-124097.jpg)
Happy campers (저작권: Cathy Cawood)
![The lake is surrounded by forested hills](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/22406-124098/1000/yamanashi-summer-fun-at-lake-saiko-124098.jpg)
The lake is surrounded by forested hills (저작권: Cathy Cawood)
![An attractive wooden bridge over a river flowing into the lake](https://a0.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/22406-124091/1000/yamanashi-summer-fun-at-lake-saiko-124091.jpg)
An attractive wooden bridge over a river flowing into the lake (저작권: Cathy Cawood)
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